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package PyPI PyPI - License PyPI - Python Version

Based on https://github.com/fhqvst/avanza

Python wrapper for Unofficial Avanza API

Code is work in progress and is only meant as “proof of concept”

Authentication is done with selenium, which will save cookies in current working directory.

Short example of getting the current buyprice for msft stock:

import avanza

msft = avanza.Ticker(3873)
price = msft.buy_price
> 166.48

Short example of displaying graph price of msft stock, using matplotlib:

import avanza
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = avanza.ChartData().get_ticker_chartdata(3873)
df.plot(kind='line', x='timestamp', y='value')

More examples can be found here


Security Notice

This python wrapper voids following bandit codes: B108 B301

Indices and tables